[Python-Dev] Windows compiler for Python 2.6+

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at uci.edu
Wed Feb 28 22:58:57 CET 2007

"Chris AtLee" <chris at atlee.ca> wrote:
> I just got bitten by the runtime library incompatibility problem on
> windows when I tried to load a C extension compiled with MSVC 2005
> (64-bit) into Python 2.5.

I would guess it is more an issue of 32bit + 64bit dynamic linking
having issues, but I could certainly be wrong.

> I realize that Python2.5 will continue to use MSVC 2003 for
> compatibility reasons, but I was curious if any thought had been given
> to the future of the 2.x series.

IIUC, there exists a project file in PCBUILD8 for compiling with MSVC
2005.  You should be able to recompile Python 2.5 with that compiler,
though you may need to change some things (I've never tried myself).

 - Josiah

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