[Python-Dev] Weekly Python Patch/Bug Summary

Kurt B. Kaiser kbk at shore.net
Tue Jul 10 03:33:54 CEST 2007

Patch / Bug Summary

Patches :  392 open ( +7) /  3792 closed ( +2) /  4184 total ( +9)
Bugs    : 1042 open (+13) /  6757 closed (+13) /  7799 total (+26)
RFE     :  263 open ( +1) /   292 closed ( +1) /   555 total ( +2)

New / Reopened Patches

"%d" format handling for long values  (2007-06-25)
       http://python.org/sf/1742669  opened by  Gabriel Genellina

Read Write lock  (2007-06-27)
       http://python.org/sf/1744382  opened by  Yaakov Nemoy

Improve exception pickling support  (2007-06-27)
       http://python.org/sf/1744398  opened by  Eric Huss

Patch for feat. 713877 Expose callbackAPI in readline module  (2007-06-27)
       http://python.org/sf/1744456  opened by  strank

IPv6 Interface naming/indexing functions  (2007-07-02)
       http://python.org/sf/1746656  opened by  Michael Meier

Limiting data copy in xmlrpclib  (2007-07-04)
       http://python.org/sf/1747670  opened by  Gael Le Mignot

Extra optional argument to os.path.expandvars  (2007-07-06)
       http://python.org/sf/1748960  opened by  Geoffrey Bache

New byte packing format for the struct module  (2007-07-07)
       http://python.org/sf/1749662  opened by  Robert Zeh

itertools.getitem()  (2007-07-08)
       http://python.org/sf/1749857  opened by  Walter Dörwald

Patches Closed

Fix for duplicate "preferences" menu-OS X  (2007-04-03)
       http://python.org/sf/1693258  closed by  ronaldoussoren

Mac OS X: libtool  (2007-03-03)
       http://python.org/sf/1673122  closed by  ronaldoussoren

New / Reopened Bugs

Incorrect docs for optparse OptionParser add_help_option  (2007-06-23)
       http://python.org/sf/1742164  opened by  Forest Wilkinson

ZipFile.writestr writes incorrect extended local headers  (2007-06-23)
       http://python.org/sf/1742205  opened by  alexis

Documentation for BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer  (2007-06-25)
       http://python.org/sf/1742837  opened by  Brandon Mintern

Pickling of exceptions broken  (2007-06-25)
       http://python.org/sf/1742889  opened by  Jim Fulton

shlex handles  'None' poorly  (2007-06-25)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1742901  opened by  Seth Vidal

can't run single lamba funcs as unittest  (2007-06-25)
       http://python.org/sf/1742940  opened by  timmeh

conditional expressions vs. () and * in call arguments.  (2007-06-26)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1743665  opened by  Mike Meyer

Some incorrect national characters (Polish) in unicodedata  (2007-06-26)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1743795  opened by  admindomeny

Examples dropped from PDF version of docs  (2007-06-26)
       http://python.org/sf/1743846  opened by  Terry Carroll

cvs.get_dialect() return a class object   (2007-06-28)
       http://python.org/sf/1744580  opened by  Christian Kristukat

Newline skipped in "for line in file"  (2007-06-28)
       http://python.org/sf/1744752  opened by  Rune Devik

DoS smtpd vulnerability  (2007-06-28)
       http://python.org/sf/1745035  opened by  billiejoex

2.5.1 curses panel segfault in new_panel on aix 5.3  (2007-06-29)
       http://python.org/sf/1745108  opened by  Mattias Wadenstein

pdtri gives wrong results  (2007-06-29)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1745178  opened by  Nikke Knatterton

Filename providing cross platform capability  (2007-06-29)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1745533  reopened by  loewis

Filename providing cross platform capability  (2007-06-29)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1745533  opened by  Damian

Bad attributes/data handling in SGMLib  (2007-06-30)
       http://python.org/sf/1745761  opened by  Alvaro Lopez

class mutex doesn't do anything atomically  (2007-07-01)
       http://python.org/sf/1746071  opened by  David Benbennick

long.__str__ is quadratic time  (2007-07-01)
       http://python.org/sf/1746088  opened by  David Benbennick

AMD64 installer does not place python25.dll in system dir  (2007-07-02)
       http://python.org/sf/1746880  opened by  Roger Upole

chown broken on 64bit  (2007-07-04)
       http://python.org/sf/1747858  opened by  Neal D. Becker

Module-level stack scopes have incorrect bindings.  (2007-07-04)
       http://python.org/sf/1748015  opened by  Nefarious CodeMonkey, Jr.

inspect.getargspec fails on built-in or slot wrapper methods  (2007-07-04)
       http://python.org/sf/1748064  opened by  Michael A. Hawker

str.join() intercepts UnicodeDecodeError raised by iterator  (2007-07-05)
CLOSED http://python.org/sf/1748292  opened by  Christoph Zwerschke

imaplib cannot handle mailboxes with ACL: lrs  (2007-07-07)
       http://python.org/sf/1749512  opened by  Florian Friesdorf

PLATFORM macro in PC/pyconfig.h already defined by Apache  (2007-07-07)
       http://python.org/sf/1749567  opened by  Adal Chiriliuc

expanduser("~") on Windows looks for HOME first  (2007-07-07)
       http://python.org/sf/1749583  opened by  Edward Diener

os.getlogin should use the DISPLAY and not the tty  (2007-07-08)
       http://python.org/sf/1750013  opened by  Serge Noiraud

Python 2.5+ skips while statements in debuggers  (2007-07-08)
       http://python.org/sf/1750076  opened by  Chris Lasher

Bugs Closed

Odd UDP problems in socket library  (2007-06-22)
       http://python.org/sf/1741898  deleted by  bluej774

shlex handles  'None' poorly  (2007-06-25)
       http://python.org/sf/1742901  closed by  gbrandl

python: Modules/gcmodule.c:240: update_refs: Assertion `gc->  (2007-06-20)
       http://python.org/sf/1740599  closed by  stuffduff

shutil.move doesn't work when only case changes  (2007-06-16)
       http://python.org/sf/1738441  closed by  ggambett

conditional expressions vs. () and * in call arguments.  (2007-06-26)
       http://python.org/sf/1743665  closed by  gbrandl

Some incorrect national characters (Polish) in unicodedata  (2007-06-26)
       http://python.org/sf/1743795  closed by  loewis

pdtri gives wrong results  (2007-06-29)
       http://python.org/sf/1745178  closed by  gbrandl

Filename providing cross platform capability  (2007-06-29)
       http://python.org/sf/1745533  closed by  loewis

Filename providing cross platform capability  (2007-06-29)
       http://python.org/sf/1745533  closed by  atagar

str.join() intercepts UnicodeDecodeError raised by iterator  (2007-07-05)
       http://python.org/sf/1748292  closed by  lemburg

Tkinter is not working on trunk (2.6)  (2007-06-09)
       http://python.org/sf/1733943  closed by  kbk

logging module formatter problem with %(filename)s  (2006-06-19)
       http://python.org/sf/1508369  closed by  ronaldoussoren

Mac Universal Build of Python confuses distutils  (2006-07-28)
       http://python.org/sf/1530142  closed by  ronaldoussoren

Mac build fails if not building universal due to libtool  (2007-06-12)
       http://python.org/sf/1736103  closed by  jackjansen

Status bar on OSX garbled  (2007-01-04)
       http://python.org/sf/1627543  closed by  ronaldoussoren

New / Reopened RFE

please add wsgi to SimpleXMLRPCServer  (2007-06-30)
       http://python.org/sf/1745722  opened by  Helmut Grohne

RFE Closed

MacPython ignores user-installed Tcl/Tk  (2006-09-21)
       http://python.org/sf/1563046  closed by  ronaldoussoren

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