[Python-Dev] Removing the GIL (Me, not you!)

Jon Ribbens jon+python-dev at unequivocal.co.uk
Fri Sep 14 03:01:22 CEST 2007

On Thu, Sep 13, 2007 at 06:38:05PM -0500, skip at pobox.com wrote:
>     Hrvoje> More precisely, Python will call the deallocator appropriate for
>     Hrvoje> the object type.  If that deallocator does nothing, the object
>     Hrvoje> continues to live.  Such objects could also start out with a
>     Hrvoje> refcount of sys.maxint or so to ensure that calls to the no-op
>     Hrvoje> deallocator are unlikely.
> Maybe sys.maxint/2?  You'd hate for the first incref to invoke the
> deallocator even if it was a no-op.  

I do believe I already suggested that ;-)

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