[Python-Dev] An OO API for doctest / unittest integration...

Calvin Spealman ironfroggy at gmail.com
Tue Aug 12 15:58:05 CEST 2008

You need to bring this sort of thing up in python-ideas before here,
first of all. Also, there isnt a strong case for including a module
that is only used by one project somewhere. Promote it on its own,
outside of this other project. Let other people use it and get
feedback from real use. When its popular, then it has a case for

What does it do that we cant already do without it? Just a "A novel
object-oriented API" isn't enough and your argument about downplay of
unittest for "lacking object-orientation" is a bit weak. It is what
works and people have problems with unittest but claims that just
vaguely talk about something being "OO enough" are almost always to be
skeptical about.

On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 9:08 AM, Olemis Lang <olemis at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello... this is my first post to this list and...
> I would like to introduce myself by proposing a module for inclusion
> (hopefully in a "near future") among the standard libraries (modules)
> offered by Python (of course the idea is to present it here, promote
> the debate and if "we all like it", well... distribute it together
> with Python). I will be as concise as possible all the way through
> this message so as to avoid writing a long speech (and therefore a
> lengthy message). Further details can be found in an article published
> "a few months ago" [1].
> The module (its name... dutest) has the same goals considered to
> develop the unittest API provided by doctest since Python 2.4.
> However it includes other important features which make the
> difference. Some of them are the following:
>  * A novel object-oriented API programmers can use in order to
>    retrieve test cases out of interactive sessions in the form
>    doctest examples. In other words, novel test loaders find and
>    put test cases together, just like unittest test loaders do.
>    Nowadays the unittest API included in doctest offers the functions
>    DocFileSuite and DocTestSuite for this purpose, therefore lacking
>    in object orientation.
>  * The match made for different doctest examples during a doctest run
>    is stored separately by instances of TestResult. Nowadays
>    the unittest API included in doctest stores the whole doctest
>    report at once into test results. This has some "drawbacks".
>    Firstly, it is difficult to know what is wrong during the test
>    (since to kinds of reports are intermingled). Besides several
>    summaries can be found throughout test reports. When building test
>    analysis tools, this also means that further parsing should be
>    done so as to discover the descriptions of individual failures ...
>    (further and more detailed analysis and explanations can be found
>    in the aforementioned article [1])
>  * A few more features...
> The module is actually employed for testing the pyOOP package
> (under development by the FLiOOPS project [2]). You can simply
> download dutest [3] and try it out, or you can also check out the
> trunk [4] doing something like
> $ svn co https://flioops.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/flioops/py/trunk .
> install the package doing something like
> $ setup.py install
> $ setup.py clean
> Optionally (if you like to see a much more real test report) you
> can also download the modules ipdbc [5], PyDBC [6], and
> PyContracts [7], and install them.
> Next, run pyOOP test suite from the Python interpreter doing something
> like
> {{{
> #!python
> try:
>    from oop.test import check_oopdbc
> except ImportWarning:
>    from oop.test import check_oopdbc
> oop.test.test_oopdbc.TESTLOG_FILE = '/path/to/log/file'
> check_oopdbc()
> }}}
> and "see" the output report (e.g.  $ vi /path/to/log/file).
> Finally, any bug or bizarre behavior you find, please submit it to the
> bug tracking system of the FLiOOPS project [8]. We will fix it "as
> soon as we can". If you have any suggestion or need an additional
> feature, please submit a feature request to the FLiOOPs project [9]...
> and/or share it with us here in python-dev... ;) as well as any
> comments about the whole thing.
> I hope you like it :)
> ----
> [1] O. Lang, "Doctest and unittest… now they'll live happily forever"
>    (2008) The Python Papers, vol. 3, no. 1, pp 38:51, ISSN 1834-3147.
> [2] FLiOOPS project home page
>       (https://flioops.sourceforge.net)
> [3] Download page of module dutest
>       (https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=220287&abmode=1)
> [4] pyOOP SVN trunk
>       (https://flioops.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/flioops/py/trunk)
> [5] Yet another invariant/pre-/postcondition design-by-contract
>       support module,
>       Dmitry Dvoinikov
>       (http://www.targeted.org/python/recipes/ipdbc.py)
> [6] PyDBC -- Design by Contract for Python 2.2+,
>       Daniel Arbuckle
>       (http://www.nongnu.org/pydbc/)
> [7] Contracts for Python (PEP 316),
>       Terence Way
>       (http://www.wayforward.net/pycontract/)
> [8] Bug tracking system of the FLiOOPS project
>       (https://sourceforge.net/tracker/admin/?atid=1049023&group_id=220287)
> [9] Feature Request tracker system of the FLiOOPS project
>       (https://sourceforge.net/tracker/admin/?atid=1049026&group_id=220287)
> [10] Send patches to the FLiOOPS project
>       (https://sourceforge.net/tracker/admin/?atid=1049025&group_id=220287)
> --
> Regards,
> Olemis.
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