[Python-Dev] RELEASED Python 3.0 final

Gregor Lingl gregor.lingl at aon.at
Fri Dec 5 20:44:09 CET 2008

glyph at divmod.com schrieb:
> To be fair, if someone asked me specifically about educating non- 
> programmer adults about programming, I would probably at least 
> *mention* py3, if not recommend it outright.  The improved consistency 
> is worth a lot in an educational setting.  (But, if one is educating 
> children and interested in soliciting their genuine enthusiasm, 
> whiz-bang graphics are really a must-have, not a negotiable extra.)
As a non native English speaker I'm not sure if I understand correctly, 
what you mean with whiz-bang graphics. Nevertheless I'd like to point 
you to the new turtle graphics module (which is part of the standard 
librarys since 2.6). At least it was designed especially for use in the 
educational  domain. Moreover the source-distribution also contains a 
bunch of some ten example scripts.


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