[Python-Dev] Hello everyone + little question around Cpython/stackless

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Sun Dec 28 11:51:48 CET 2008


> I'm currently studying all I can find on stackless python, PYPY and the 
> concepts they've brought to Python, and so far I wonder : since 
> stackless python claims to be 100% compatible with CPython's extensions, 
> faster, and brings lots of fun stuffs (tasklets, coroutines and no C 
> stack), how comes it hasn't been merged back, to become the standard 
> 'fast' python implementation ?

I'm not sure Stackless ever claimed to be faster than CPython for standard tasks
(i.e., not coroutine-related). Do you have any pointers to this?

As for coroutines, the greenlets (*) package is said to bring them to the
standard interpreter.

(*) http://codespeak.net/py/dist/greenlet.html



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