[Python-Dev] Any tips to tell sprinter at PyCon about developing on Windows?

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Sun Feb 3 18:55:05 CET 2008

Tim Golden wrote:
> Christian Heimes wrote:
>> Does the VS Express Edition have the "vcbuild" command? The build bots
>> are using vcbuild instead of devenv. The professional edition has it.
>> c:\dev\python\trunk\PCbuild>vcbuild /useenv pcbuild.sln "Release|Win32"
>> Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Project Builder - Command Line Version 
>> 9.00.21022
> It does (under vc\vcpackages). My development laptop's upstairs but I'll
> try out the command above when I get a chance later. While you're there,
> the HEAD version of Lib\distutils\command\build_ext.py still refers to
> pcbuild9 instead of pcbuild which is preventing extensions from finding
> python26.dll. It's a trivial fix so you could probably get it in faster
> than I can build and submit the patch. (I'll check later on and put a
> patch in if you haven't had a chance).

OK. I've just picked up the svn update and it works ok. Only
thing is that the /build parameter is now invalid (although
ignored). The default seems to be equivalent to "/build" while
you have to specify "/rebuild" if that's what you want. Works
ok because vcbuild ignores "/build" and moves on.

Thanks for the prompt response.


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