[Python-Dev] Simple syntax proposal: "not is"

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Sat Jan 26 07:50:21 CET 2008

"Jameson "Chema" Quinn" <jquinn at cs.oberlin.edu> wrote in message 
news:faf2c12b0801250813n5b0b38eepe71944b6016224db at mail.gmail.com...
| I'm writing a source code editor that translates identifiers and keywords
| on-screen into a different natural language. This tool will do no
| transformations except at the reversible word level. There is one simple,
| avoidable case where this results in nonsense in many languages: "is 
not". I
| propose allowing "not is" as an acceptable alternative to "is not".

I an rather sure that the tokenizer outputs "is not" as a single token. 
Otherwise 'a is not b' would likely be parsed as 'a is (not b)', which is 
something quit different.  So your translater should recognize it as such 
also and output, for instance (en Espanol), 'no es'.

| Obviously English syntax has a deep influence on python syntax, and I 
| never propose deeper syntactical changes for 
| This is a trivial change, one that is still easily parseable by an
| English-native mind (and IMO actually makes more sense logically, since 
| does not invite confusion with the nonsensical "is (not ...)"). The
| use-cases where you have to grep for "is not" are few, and the "(is
| not)|(not is)" pattern that would replace it is still pretty simple.

'a not is b' is much worse in English than I believe 'a es no b' in 



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