[Python-Dev] Proposed unittest changes

Steve Holden steve at holdenweb.com
Mon Jul 14 01:27:55 CEST 2008

Michael Foord wrote:
> Ben Finney wrote:
>> Howdy Michael,
>> I'm interested in the changes you're proposing for Python's 'unittest' 
>> module. I am (like, I suspect, many Python coders) maintaining my own 
>> set of extensions to the module across many projects, so I'd really 
>> like to see many of the improvements you discuss actually in the 
>> standard library.
>> What assistance can I offer to help on this issue?
> I intend to start working on them in August, after I have finished my 
> current writing commitments.
> The full list of changes proposed (feel free to start - but ping me or 
> the list) and not shot down was something like:
> Documenting that the assert method names are to be preferred over the 
> 'FailUnless' names (this stirred up some controversy this weekend so 
> should probably not happen).
> Adding the following new asserts:
>    assertIn    (member, container, msg=None)
>    assertNotIn     (member, container, msg=None)
>    assertIs     (first, second, msg=None)
>    assertNotIs   (first, second, msg=None)

Please, let's call this one "assertIsNot". I know it's valid Python to say

   if a not is b:

but it's a much less natural way of expressing the condition, and (for 
all I know) might even introduce an extra negation operation. "is not" 
is, I believe, treated as a single operator.

 > [...]

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC              http://www.holdenweb.com/

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