[Python-Dev] Implementing restricted Python in Zope2

Sidnei da Silva sidnei at enfoldsystems.com
Thu Jul 17 23:10:03 CEST 2008

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 6:04 PM, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
> Thanks. Then python-dev is *definitely* the wrong forum. :-)

Definitely wrong forum for RestrictedPython-specifc questions, but not
if you consider those two paragraphs from Shane's email, which clarify
that Ranjith is seeking for information on possible AST changes that
might have occurred in Python 2.5:

The safety of RestrictedPython has been validated in a somewhat formal
process with Python 2.4.  Ranjith is working to validate it with
Python 2.5.  He is first working to discover all changes between
Python 2.4 and 2.5 that might have affected the safety of a
RestrictedPython sandbox. Any changes to the AST, builtin functions,
methods of builtin types, etc., need to be evaluated for safety.

So, in general, he is looking for detailed lists of changes between
Python 2.4 and 2.5--more than the "What's New" doc.

Sidnei da Silva
Enfold Systems http://enfoldsystems.com
Fax +1 832 201 8856 Office +1 713 942 2377 Ext 214

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