[Python-Dev] [Python-3000] No beta2 tonight

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Fri Jul 18 23:42:34 CEST 2008

On 2008-07-18 21:35, Charles Hixson wrote:
>> Invariably, when someone goes and removes a module, someone else is
>> going to complain, "but I used feature X, not having feature X will
>> break my code."  We, as maintainers can then say, "if you cared,
>> maintain it."  But I'm not sure that is the greatest thing to tell
>> people.  I suspect that we may have to include some sort of
>> "work-alike" for 2.7 and if not 3.0, 3.1 .  If I were to vote for a
>> work-alike, it would be based on sqlite.  For one of the most common
>> use-cases (bsddb.btree), simple sqlite code can be written to do the
>> right thing.  Recno is a little more tricky, but can also be done.
>> The bsddb hash may not be possible, because sqlite doesn't support
>> hashed indices :/.
>> Just an idea.
>>  - Josiah
> Were I to vote for "something" it would be a B+Tree in collections.  One that 
> didn't impose a requirement that the key be a string (and not, e.g., an 
> integer or a float).
> OTOH, I don't care enough to build it.  (I've proven this to myself 
> repeatedly, as I've started to create such a thing, and then kludged a 
> different solution.)

If pybsddb is sufficient as work-around for the stdlib bsddb module
(or perhaps even better), then I don't see much of a problem removing
the module from the stdlib using a PEP 4 process.

Can't really say, since I've never used any of these myself...
for on-disk dictionaries, we use mxBeeBase:


For anything more complex, a SQL database.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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