[Python-Dev] Relocating Python

Lupusoru, Razvan A razvan.a.lupusoru at intel.com
Tue Jul 29 20:56:43 CEST 2008



I am trying to get Python 2.5.2 working for an IA32 system. The
compilation is done on an Ubuntu 8.04.1 dev system. I am using a custom
gcc and ld specific to the IA32 system.


This is my makefile:


BUILD_DEST = /i686-custom-kernel

CC = $(BUILD_DEST)/bin/i686-linux-gcc

CPP = $(CC) -E

CXX = $(BUILD_DEST)/bin/i686-linux-g++

LD = $(BUILD_DEST)/bin/i686-linux-ld





                tar xzfv Python-2.5.2.tgz

                ./Python-2.5.2/configure -prefix=${PYTHONINSTALLPATH}
-host=i686-linux -enable-shared

                cd Python-2.5.2


                make install



Everything compiles correctly. I then copy the contents of the
$BUILD_DEST and put them on the hard drive for my IA32 system. I
basically use the contents of $BUILD_DEST as the root directory on my
IA32 system. Python seems to run correctly when I run it, but when I do
things like "import pysqlite", it cannot find it. Is there anything
special I have to do to relocate my python (since on my IA32 system it
runs from /usr/bin/python but it originally gets created in


Thank you,


Razvan A. Lupusoru

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