[Python-Dev] Let me introduce myself! :)

Simgi Dacav simgidacav at gmail.com
Mon Jun 16 08:42:18 CEST 2008

Hi there!

I'm Giovanni Simoni, known as Dacav. I'm a student of Computer Science at the
University of Trento (Italy), a GNU/Linux user and, since I've tryied it
for the first time, I've appreciated the expressive power of Python, so I'd
like to delve into it.

I subscribed this mailing list after reading the introduction to development
(http://www.python.org/dev/intro/). I feel that it wolud be a good mean to
improve my skillness with Python, even if I'm probably not enough experienced
to bring a real contribute, for the moment.

In the meanwhile I inform you that you have one more lurker! :)

Thanks for your efforts, and regards

- -- 
Giovanni [Dacav] Simoni
Linux User #414144

Molti pensano che l'apprendere a fare le cose, diventando uno
scienziato, faccia sparire il mistero. Ciò che io sento è che il
mistero motiva e nutre la scienza. La scoperta approfondisce il mistero.
                    -- Manfred Eigen

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