[Python-Dev] Documentation for ability to execute zipfiles & directories

A.M. Kuchling amk at amk.ca
Tue Mar 4 18:36:05 CET 2008

On Tue, Mar 04, 2008 at 08:58:57AM -0500, Steve Holden wrote:
> While I hesitate to suggest a change of such magnitude, there's 
> something to recommend the old IBM mainframe approach of separating out 
> "Principles of Operation" (which would be the reference manuals, in 
> Python's case the Language and Library refs) from "Users' Guide" which 
> contains the practical stuff you need to actually make use of a product.

Good suggestion.  Using the debugger and profiler could also be
covered in the User's Guide.

Would splitting up the docs make them more useful for
IronPython/Jython?  For example, Jython could eventually take the 2.6
language docs as-is, but modify the library reference to remove
unsupported modules and add Jython-specific ones.


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