[Python-Dev] Problems building python2.4 SRPM on RHEL4 x64

"Martin v. Lšwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Sat Mar 15 10:49:21 CET 2008

Eric B. schrieb:
> Hi,
> I appologize if this is not the right place to post this, but searching 
> through the old archives, I ran across the same issue from 3 years ago, but 
> I cannot find the resolution to it.
> Currently, I am trying to build the python2.4 SRPM from Python.org on a 
> CentOS4.6_x64 platform, but the build is failing with a very non-descript 
> error message.
> ....
> + cd /var/tmp/python2.4-2.4-root/usr/bin
> + mv -f pydoc pydoc2.4
> + cd /var/tmp/python2.4-2.4-root/usr/bin
> + mv -f idle idle2.4
> + echo '#!/bin/bash'
> + echo 'exec /usr/bin/python2.4 /usr/lib64/python2.4/idlelib/idle.py'
> + chmod 755 /var/tmp/python2.4-2.4-root/usr/bin/idle2.4
> + cp -a Tools /var/tmp/python2.4-2.4-root/usr/lib64/python2.4
> + rm -f mainpkg.files
> + find /var/tmp/python2.4-2.4-root/usr/lib64/python2.4/lib-dynload -type f
> + sed 's|^/var/tmp/python2.4-2.4-root|/|'
> + grep -v -e '_tkinter.so$'
> error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.55639 (%install)

The last command executed imediately before the error output
seems to be

-type f |
	sed "s|^${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}|/|" |
	grep -v -e '_tkinter.so$' >mainpkg.files

That is not the last command in the %install script (atleast not 
according to the spec file). So it is not at all clear why the
shell should stop executing at that point, and spit out
that error message.

The only theory I can come up with is that the shell *crashed*.
Can you get hold of the rpm-tmp file (e.g. by asking RPM not
to delete it)? Then run it independently, perhaps under

If it's indeed the case that the shell crashes, something
is seriously wrong with your operating system.


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