[Python-Dev] [Python-3000] 2.6 and 3.0 project management

"Martin v. LÅ¡wis" martin at v.loewis.de
Sun Mar 16 17:58:00 CET 2008

> It's just depends on how you see the tracker. It's not just to "bug" 
> tracker anymore, is it? On other projects I've worked with, we had 
> separate areas for bugs, features, and tasks. (yes, it's SourceForge.) I 
> found it easier to keep organized. However, if this is Python's way, I'm 
> not going to stand in it.

Actually, one of the main complaints about the SF tracker is that it
splits into several ones.

Something starts out as a bug, but then becomes a patch as soon as
somebody attaches a patch. So on SF, people had to open a *separate*
issue to provide a patch, and leave a message in the original bug
report pointing to the patch. They hated it, and insisted that
the new tracker should have a single list of issues.


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