[Python-Dev] PEP 365 (Adding the pkg_resources module)

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Mon Mar 17 15:45:25 CET 2008

> Well, it might be replaced by a protracted discussion of how the 
> module should work and what its API should be, but perhaps that would 
> be a better one to have.  :)

Indeed, that's likely to happen :-)

> So, the original proposal (from the previous thread about this) was 
> that the module be named easy_install, and that it simply downloads 
> setuptools and delegates to the "real" easy_install.  That way, 
> people can simply use "python -m easy_install ...", without worrying 
> about whether setuptools has been installed yet.

I thought the original proposal was to install a *binary* easy_install
that takes that function.

> IIRC, other package management tools such as zc.buildout and 
> workingenv can then be installed using easy_install.
> Any objections?  Should I revise the PEP?

I'm fine with the module, but would really like to see a command
line utility in addition.

This, of course, would raise the issue who "owns" the easy_install
script name; ideally, the script would not have to be overwritten
when setuptools gets installed.


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