[Python-Dev] PEP 361: Python 2.6/3.0 release schedule

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Tue Mar 18 01:49:43 CET 2008

Greetings from Pycon 2008!

Neal Norwitz and I have worked out the schedule for Python 2.6 and  
3.0, which will be released in lockstep.  We will be following a  
monthly release schedule, with releases to occur on the first  
Wednesday of the month.  We'll move to a 2 week schedule for the  
release candidates.

Executive summary: Python 2.6 and 3.0 finals are planned for September  
3, 2008.

PEP 361 contains all the gory details; from the PEP:

         Feb 29 2008: Python 2.6a1 and 3.0a3 are released
         Apr 02 2008: Python 2.6a2 and 3.0a4 planned
         May 07 2008: Python 2.6a3 and 3.0a5 planned
         Jun 04 2008: Python 2.6b1 and 3.0b1 planned
         Jul 02 2008: Python 2.6b2 and 3.0b2 planned
         Aug 06 2008: Python 2.6rc1 and 3.0rc1 planned
         Aug 20 2008: Python 2.6rc2 and 3.0rc2 planned
         Sep 03 2008: Python 2.6 and 3.0 final


This schedule gives everybody plenty of advanced notice, so you should  
be able to get  your code in on time.  Please be very careful about  
not breaking the branches.  Neal and I will be cracking the whip of  
public shame when your commit turns the buildbots red.  Embarrassing  
Pycon pictures of you will be posted if such broken revisions cause us  
to slip a release, and remember, we know how to use GIMP.

On behalf of everyone, here's to an awesome release!

Python 2.6/3.0 release manager

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