[Python-Dev] embedding in multi threaded C/C++

George Fazekas gyorgy.fazekas at elec.qmul.ac.uk
Mon Mar 10 13:11:24 CET 2008

Hi all,

I'm working on embedding Python in a multi threaded application
but found mostly old or confusing info on this. Can anyone point me to  
right direction or send some working examples?


Python 2.5.1, MacOSX Leopard 10.5.1, using Pytohn/C API

The application initializes Python in a shared library, which in turn  
in more libraries that may or may not use C API commands in parallel.
Generally it all works fine, but when two libraries try to access  
Python code
I get seg fault or similar.

The closest I got to resolve this is based on this message:
which suggests starting a new sub interpreter for each task.

However, i still get errors like below. (Thread 0 on it's own works  
According to the docs PyObject_HasAttrString should always succeeds so  
I don't
understand what happens.

Also I get thread mix-up messages randomly even though I double  
checked the

2 Threads accessing Python:

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   org.python.python             	0x15a58bcc PyErr_Occurred + 16  
1   org.python.python             	0x159c642c instance_getattr + 277  
2   org.python.python             	0x159f789b PyObject_HasAttrString +  
116 (object.c:1069)

While Thread 4 is running a process:
Thread 4:
0   org.python.python             	0x15a43751 PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 794  
1   org.python.python             	0x15a49cdc PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 1819  
2   org.python.python             	0x159df537 function_call + 320  
3   org.python.python             	0x159be278 PyObject_Call + 45  
4   org.python.python             	0x159c5ee5 instancemethod_call +  
401 (classobject.c:2497)
5   org.python.python             	0x159c297c  
PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs + 223 (abstract.c:1860)

Thanks for any advice,

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