[Python-Dev] how to build extensions for Windows?

Trent Nelson tnelson at onresolve.com
Thu Mar 20 01:23:14 CET 2008

Having recently sunk a lot of time into the Windows build process, I'd recommend going with Visual C++ Express 2008 rather than MinGW, as this is the official compiler for 2.6/3.0.  (You can download a free copy.)

FWIW, I've probably been working on the Windows build side of things on and off for the past month or so, and we've only just reached a point where 32bit and 64bit Windows builds are compiling with all extension modules (bsddb, tcl/tk, ssl etc) and passing all tests (most work has gone into the x64 builds though, the 32-bit ones were already green on XP and below for 32bit).  Using MinGW/gcc on Windows hasn't seen anywhere near so much attention, so, YMWV.

In terms of my Windows-oriented priorities, they are as follows:
 - Get 3.0 32/64 Windows builds actually compiling successfully and then passing all tests (given that all build slaves for 3.0 are red that's not exactly a quick action).
 - Move on to the MSI installer improvements for 2.6/3.0, specifically with regards to the VCRT9 runtime and signing of the installer/binaries.
 - Maybe putting some cycles into Python builds on MinGW.  To be honest though, the main motivation for doing that will be to demonstrate that a Python executable compiled with Visual Studio 2008 Professional with Profile Guided Optimisation will outperform a MinGW/gcc build ;-)


From: python-dev-bounces+tnelson=onresolve.com at python.org [python-dev-bounces+tnelson=onresolve.com at python.org] On Behalf Of Bill Janssen [janssen at parc.com]
Sent: 19 March 2008 20:02
To: python-dev at python.org
Subject: [Python-Dev] how to build extensions for Windows?

I've set up a Parallels virtual machine on my Mac, and have succeeded
in getting Windows XP running in it!  And I've installed MinGW, as
well.  Now I'd like to learn how to build the SSL module from source
on Windows for Python 2.5.2.  Is there any documentation on the
process of building an extension from scratch that's appropriate for
someone who doesn't know much about Windows?  I'm looking for

What about this?  http://www.mingw.org/MinGWiki/index.php/Python%20extensions

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