[Python-Dev] PEP 365 (Adding the pkg_resources module)

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Thu Mar 20 20:09:14 CET 2008

At 05:55 PM 3/20/2008 +0000, Paul Moore wrote:
>It's not that I object to the existence of automatic dependency
>management, I object to being given no choice, as if my preference for
>handling things manually is unacceptable.

Note that easy_install has a --no-deps option, and you can make it 
the default in your distutils.cfg file.

Also, setuptools-based packages *can* build bdist_wininst 
installers.  (In fact, if memory serves, I added that feature at your request.)

Personally, I'm not very thrilled with the number of complaints on 
this thread that could be resolved by RTFMing.  There are extensive 
manuals, and they do contain the information that some people are 
saying isn't there.  In several cases that I've seen here today 
alone, there are actually *entries in the tables of contents* that 
name the precise thing people here are characterizing as undocumented 
or even *impossible*, like:

* Making your package available for EasyInstall
* Installing on Un-networked Machines
* Custom Installation Locations
* Restricting Downloads with --allow-hosts

It's easy to get the impression that people not only didn't RTFM, 
they didn't even Read The Friendly Table Of Contents of the said 
M.  Nor, when, they found something in the manual that they didn't 
understand, write to the distutils-sig to ask anybody to explain, and 
perhaps suggest ways the FM's could be improved.

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