[Python-Dev] Proposal: from __future__ import unicode_string_literals

Christian Heimes lists at cheimes.de
Mon Mar 24 17:58:26 CET 2008

Barry Warsaw schrieb:
> I've missed most of this thread, but let me just put my two cents in.
> I'd still like a future import to turn on unicode string literals (or
> more accurately, treat unadorned string literals as unicodes).  As
> someone who is striving mightily to get various libraries and
> applications unicode clean, it's simply a matter of training my brain
> to correctly think, "this is a bytes" or "this is a string", and
> training my fingers to type the right thing.
> I'd like to be able to start retraining the muscle memory so that by
> the time 3.0 comes around, it'll will be a much smoother transition,
> for me and other coders.
> Now, if it's not feasible to add such a future import, that's one
> thing.  If it's feasible then I think we should do it.

I'm working on a node based __future__ parser based on the Python 2.3
code as MvL suggested. I'm making good progress. If I get it working it
should be trivial to implement a __future__ unicode_string_literals feature.


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