[Python-Dev] [Python-3000] the release gods are angry at python

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 17:04:01 CET 2008

On 26/03/2008, Thomas Heller <theller at ctypes.org> wrote:
> What I would like to see is a way to disable certain tests on certain machines;
> maybe by setting environment variables?

Could this be done by something like the following (completely
untested!!!! no time at the moment) change to regrtest.py?

--- Lib\test\regrtest.py.orig	2008-03-26 15:36:24.519590600 +0000
+++ Lib\test\regrtest.py	2008-03-26 16:02:52.513001800 +0000
@@ -341,6 +341,12 @@
         nottests[:0] = args
         args = []
+    exclusions = os.getenv('EXCLUDE_TESTS').split()
+    for excl in exclusions:
+        if excl in stdtests:
+            stdtests.remove(excl)
     tests = tests or args or findtests(testdir, stdtests, nottests)
     if single:
         tests = tests[:1]


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