[Python-Dev] httplib &c. timeouts and global state

Alan Kennedy python-dev at xhaus.com
Wed Mar 26 22:18:03 CET 2008

[This message will not be threaded properly since I wasn't subscribed
at the time the original was sent]

> What I found in the archive is this thread (sorry for the
> non-python.org URL):
> http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/python/dev/555039?do=post_view_threaded#555039
> In that discussion, this issue is raised, but I don't see any resolution
> that answers the objection made in issue 2451.  Anyway, apologies in
> advance if there was a decision here that takes account of the above
> objection.

The solution to the problem John descibes WAS decided back at the time
of discussion of the contribution, but for some reason, that solution
never made into contribution that was committed.


The solution is simple, as described on the bug that John created for
this issue.



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