[Python-Dev] [Python-3000] the release gods are angry at python

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Thu Mar 27 19:40:46 CET 2008

Bill Janssen wrote:
>> There
>> have been other tests that have also been flaky like  test_asynchat,
>> test_smtplib, test_ssl, test_urllib2net, test_urllibnet,
>> test_xmlrpc_net and some of the tests that use  networking.
> Some of the *other* tests that use networking, I think you mean.
> Sounds like networking tests in general are flaky.

This patch was put together at PyCon (but has not been applied): 

It moves some of the urllib2net tests to urllib2localnet - they use a 
local server instead of going out to external servers and should be more 


>>     - http://www.python.org/dev/buildbot/all/S-390%20Debian%20trunk/builds/255/step-test/0
> Unfortunately, this log has no information about why the test is
> failing, and I do not have a Debian-unstable machine to try it on
> (much less a six-processor IBM S/390 mainframe running Debian-unstable
> -- cool!).  I'm unsure about how to make progress here.  It's
> interesting to see that most of the stable buildbots running Debian
> are doing so on big-endian (PPC, Sparc) hardware.
> I also can't tell which branch of Python is being tested, from this
> logfile.  That would be nice to add.  Is this 2.6 (known problems with
> SSL) or 3.0 (no known problems with SSL)?  Is this information in the
> logfile somewhere and I'm not seeing it?
> Bill
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