[Python-Dev] Should bytearray(b'a')[0] should 1-char or number?

ocean ocean at m2.ccsnet.ne.jp
Fri May 2 11:47:41 CEST 2008

# I tried to post this to bug tracker, but couldn't, so posted here...

r62095 says

>Fix and enable a skipped test: 
>with python 2.6, enumerating bytes yields 1-char strings, not numbers.
>Don't merge this into the py3k branch.

This is true for bytes, but not for bytearray.

>>> bytearray(b'a')[0]
[28493 refs]
>>> b'a'[0]

And this causes error on my environment like this.

FAIL: testDecoder (__main__.StatefulIncrementalDecoderTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_io.py", line 629, in testDecoder
    self.assertEquals(d.decode(input, eof), output)
AssertionError: u'o.i.a.b.c.d.' != u'abcd.'

But strange, I cannot see this error on python.org buildbot.

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