[Python-Dev] [Python-3000] Reminder: last alphas next Wednesday 07-May-2008

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Fri May 2 15:59:46 CEST 2008

Barry Warsaw wrote:
 > Time is running short to get any new features into Python 2.6 and 3.0.
 > The release after this one is scheduled to be the first beta release, at
 > which time we will institute a feature freeze.  If your feature doesn't
 > make it in by then, you'll have to wait until 2.7/3.1.  If there is
 > something that absolutely must go into 2.6/3.0 be sure that there is a
 > bug issue open for it and that the Priority is set to 'release
 > blocker'.  I may reduce it to critical for the next alpha, but we'll
 > review all the release blocker and critical issues for the first 2.6 and
 > 3.0 beta releases.

I tried to bump http://bugs.python.org/issue643841 ("New class special 
method lookup change") up to release blocker, but the bug tracker still 
appears to be a bit flaky (it keeps giving me an error when I try to 
submit the change - unfortunately I can't submit anything about it to 
the metatracker, because I've forgotten my password for it and the 
metatracker is getting a connection refused when it tries to send the 
reminder email :P).

Here's the comment I was trying to submit along with the bug priority 

"""Bumping the priority on this to release blocker for 3.0 - I think we 
need to have a good answer for the folks who've written old-style 
__getattr__ based auto-delegating classes before removing old-style 
classes entirely in 3.0.

We could get away with ignoring the issue in the past because people had 
the option of just using an old-style class rather than having to deal 
with the difficulties of doing this with a new-style class. With 3.0, 
that approach is being eliminated.

A ProxyMixin class written in Python would address that need (and 
shouldn't be particularly hard to write), but I'm not sure where it 
would go in the standard library."""


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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