[Python-Dev] PEP 8: Discourage named lambdas?

Robert Brewer fumanchu at aminus.org
Sat May 3 17:01:40 CEST 2008

Samuele Pedroni wrote:
> I found only an example in my personal recent code:
> START = "<!-- *db-payload-start* -->"
> END = "<!-- *db-payload-end* -->"
> TITLEPATTERN = lambda s: "<title>%s</title>" % s
> this three are later used in a very few .find() and .replace()
> expressions in the same module. I suppose my point is that while
> I agree it should be discouraged and is really silly to do it
> for the few chars gain, it can be used to some effect in very
> rare cases.

i.e. anywhere you need a portable expression (as opposed to a portable
set of statements). I have a feeling that if it were named 'expr'
instead of 'lambda' we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Robert Brewer
fumanchu at aminus.org

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