[Python-Dev] Addition of "pyprocessing" module to standard lib.

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Wed May 14 19:52:58 CEST 2008

> I really do feel that inclusion of this library offers us the best of
> both worlds - it gives us (as a community) an easy answer to those
> people who would dismiss python due to the GIL and it also allows
> users to easily implement their applications.

I really feel that you can get the best of both worlds even without
inclusion of the module in the standard library. It should be fairly
easy to install, assuming pre-compiled packages are available.

For inclusion into Python, a number of things need to be changed,
in particular with respect to the C code. It duplicates a lot of
code from the socket and os modules, and should (IMO) be merged into
these, rather than being separate - or perhaps merged into the
subprocess module.

Why isn't it possible to implement all this in pure Python, on
top of the subprocess module?

If there are limitations in Python that make it impossible to
implement such functionality in pure Python - then *those*
limitations should be overcome, rather than including the code


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