[Python-Dev] Importing bsddb 4.6.21; with or without AES encryption?

Jesus Cea jcea at jcea.es
Wed May 21 20:14:45 CEST 2008

Hash: SHA1

Trent Nelson wrote:
| Gah.  I just went and visited the Berkeley DB download site as
| I was preparing my commit message so I could refer to the
| exact .tar.gz being imported, only to notice that the latest
| version is now 4.7.25.  Jesus, can we use this version?

Err.... No.

It is not clear to me that python 2.6/3.0 will be published with BDB 4.6
or 4.7 support. 4.6 has several known issues, apparently solved in 4.7.
I will comment when I have spend some time with 4.7. Any comment, Greg?.

In any case, what would be the procedure to update the buildbot
infraestructure?. No, DO NOT update Berkeley DB yet!.

I keep a private branch in pybsddb for BDB 4.7 support, waiting for
Oracle publication. Since they already pushed 4.7.25 out (no pre warning
for bindings developers, too bad!), I think I can publish pybsddb 4.7.0
in a couple of days. That done, I will update python version.

PS: pybsddb 4.7.0 will support Berkeley DB 4.0 to 4.7. So, the buildbots
don't need to be upgraded.. unless we decide that Python 4.6/3.0 will
have Berkeley DB 4.7.

- --
Jesus Cea Avion                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
jcea at jcea.es - http://www.jcea.es/     _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
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"Things are not so easy"      _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/    _/_/  _/_/
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