[Python-Dev] [Python-3000] Finishing up PEP 3108

Quentin Gallet-Gilles qgallet at gmail.com
Thu May 29 17:39:17 CEST 2008

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 4:56 PM, Lars Immisch <lars at ibp.de> wrote:

> <snip>
>>        Issue 2847 - the aifc module still imports the cl module in 3.0.
>>        Problem is that the cl module is gone. =) So it seems silly to have
>>        the imports lying about. This can probably be changed to critical.
>>    It shouldn't be a problem to rip everything cl-related out of aifc.
>>    The question is how useful aifc will be after that ...
>> Has someone already used that module ? I took a look into it, but I'm a
>> bit confused about the various compression types, case-sensitivity and
>> compatibility issues [1]. Are Apple's "alaw" and SGI's "ALAW" really the
>> same encoding ? Can we use the audioop module for ALAW, just like it's
>> already done for ULAW ?
> There is just one alaw I've ever come across (G.711), and the audioop
> implementation could be used (audioop's alaw support is younger than the
> aifc module, BTW)
> The capitalisation is confusing, but your document [1] says: "Apple
> Computer's QuickTime player recognize only the Apple compression types.
> Although "ALAW" and "ULAW" contain identical sound samples to the "alaw" and
> "ulaw" formats and were in use long before Apple introduced the new codes,
>  QuickTime does not recognize them."
> So this seems just a matter of naming in the AIFC, but not a matter of two
> different alaw implementations.
> - Lars

Ok, I'll handle this issue. I'll be using the audioop implementation as a
replacement of the SGI compression library. I'll also create a test suite,
as Brett mentioned in the bug tracker the module was missing one.


> [1] http://www-mmsp.ece.mcgill.ca/Documents/AudioFormats/AIFF/AIFF.html
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