[Python-Dev] Looking for VCS usage scenarios

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Wed Nov 5 16:35:54 CET 2008

2008/11/5 David Ripton <dripton at ripton.net>:
> All timings very approximate:
> Time for average user to check out Python sources with bzr: 10 minutes
> Time for average user to check out Python sources with git or hg: 1 minute
> Time for average user's trivial patch to be reviewed and committed: 1 year
> I love DVCS as much as the next guy, but checkout time is so not the
> bottleneck for this use case.

:-) That's a fair point. But it's not the point I was trying to make,
which is that I'd want whatever DVCS is chosen to make the initial
experience of a casual user / newcomer as easy as possible. Why
discourage them in the first 10 minutes (which, BTW, is much faster
than my experience with bzr last time I tried the Python repo) when we
can make them suffer for a whole year? :-) :-)


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