[Python-Dev] CVE tracking

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Mon Nov 24 16:44:04 CET 2008

Mart Somermaa wrote:
> I created a script that parses the
> http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=python
> Python-related CVE list and classifies the CVEs as follows:
> * "ok" -- CVE has references to bugs.python.org
> * "warnings" -- CVE has references to Python SVN revisions
>   or an issue in bugs.python.org refers to it (i.e. the probelm is
>   probably fixed, but the CVE should really be updated to link
>   to the issue that is probably listed in bugs.python.org)
> * "errors" -- CVE does have no references to Python issues or SVN
>   nor does any issue in bugs.python.org have references to the CVE id
> The script is at http://dpaste.com/hold/92930/
> The results are at http://dpaste.com/hold/92929/
> There were 35 errors, 8 warnings, 5 CVEs were OK.
> In an ideal world, the references would be symmetric, i.e. every
> Python-related CVE would have references to one or more issues in
> bugs.python.org and these issues would also refer back to the CVE id.

When I looked through that list a week or so ago, I noticed that some 
issues were obviously related to the Python distribution itself, but 
others were appeared to be Python application problems.  It is not an 
'error' for the latter to have no reference to or from bugs.python.org. 
I suspect human perusal is need to make the determination.

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