[Python-Dev] 3.1 focus (was Re: for __future__ import planning)
"Martin v. Löwis"
martin at v.loewis.de
Sat Oct 4 14:22:31 CEST 2008
Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Martin v. Löwis <martin <at> v.loewis.de> writes:
>>> This may be more complicated than it sounds, because you'd probably
>>> add a very general requirement-indicating feature to PyPI, not merely
>>> a 'supports 3.0' Boolean on each record, and requirements are actually
>>> pretty complicated: alternative packages, specific version numbers...
>> Can you propose a spec?
> Setuptools already has a syntax for declaring requirements.
> http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools#declaring-dependencies
That is underspecified for the issue at hand: What *specifically* should
PyPI look for to determine 3.0 support in a package, and how
*specifically* should it display that?
An alternative to specifying dependencies would be to specify a
classifier, e.g.
Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Programming Langauge :: Python3
Then, no changes to PyPI are needed (except for adding the classifier to
the database), and searching for Python-3-supporting packages could
go through http://pypi.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=browse
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