[Python-Dev] Add python.exe to PATH environment variable

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Tue Sep 2 23:14:08 CEST 2008

Tarek Ziadé wrote:

> So I don't see any good reason (besides the technical complexity)

Unless and until someone is able and willing to deal with the technical 
complexity, that would seem to be a sufficient reason.

 >  to [not, I presume] add  it to the Windows installer.

> So I would love to see this ticket open again; I personnaly would be in 
> favor of an automatic change of PATH by the installer.

Martin said he would discuss a patch when there is a patch to discuss.
He feels strongly about there being a clean uninstall, including PATH 
restoration if it is changed.

The problem is that a) the Window's way to run user apps is via icons 
and menus and that b) the old DOS path/command way, based on Unix, has 
been neglected.

An alternative to manipulating PATH would be to make and add to the 
Start Menu a Command Prompt shortcut, call it Command Window or 
something, that starts in the Python directory.  Then one could enter 
 >python or >Scripts/goforit without chdir-ing to the Python directory 
first.  The background could even be set to green, for instance, to 
differentiate it from the standard Command Prompt window.

Terry Jan Reedy

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