[Python-Dev] Add python.exe to PATH environment variable

Thomas Heller theller at ctypes.org
Wed Sep 3 16:05:20 CEST 2008

Paul Moore schrieb:
> Bat files don't work when called from another bat file. This hits me
> regularly, when people supply wrapper bat files. Example:
> myscript.bat:
> @echo off
> do some stuff
> python my_py_script.py
> do some more stuff
> If "python" is a bat file, "do some more stuff" will never get run
> (you need to say "call python" to allow bat files to nest).
> -1 (or stronger!) on a bat file.
> If it goes in anyway, make it optional and off by default. The
> confusion and wasted time caused by bat files "stopping" part way
> through is FAR worse than that caused by having to manage PATH for
> yourself.
> Paul.
> PS If anyone knows a *good* way of writing wrapper scripts on Windows
> which doesn't suffer from the bat file nesting problem above, please
> let me (and the rest of the world!) know!

/F's exemaker and Philip's setuptools script wrapper come to mind.


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