[Python-Dev] Add python.exe to PATH environment variable

Cesare Di Mauro cesare.dimauro at a-tono.com
Wed Sep 3 16:20:09 CEST 2008

On 03 Sep 2008 at 13:34:18, M.-A. Lemburg <mal at egenix.com> wrote:

> Same here, but I usually have a env.bat that sets up whatever
> environment I need (including the required Python version) and
> run that when opening a prompt to work on a particular project.

> IMHO, the only point of having the installer do this for the user
> is for the case where the user does not know how to manipulate
> PATH on Windows, but still wants to use the command line to access it
> directly.
> How many users would fit that category ?

I don't know, but when you are working with just one python instance,
there's no need to use batch files neither to care about what PATH says:
it's always the right one instance that will be picked. :)

>> Let the user to decide to update or not the PATH envar by marking a
>> chechbox in the setup process, displaying that doing that the
>> changes will NOT be reverted when uninstalling it.
> Hmm, I don't think that's a good way to go about this. The uninstall
> should undo all changes.

The problem here is that uninstaller doesn't work this way.

May be an external program called by the uninstaller can take care
of this, removing what was added to PATH.


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