[Python-Dev] ?spurious? Timeout in BSDDB under MS Windows

Neal Norwitz nnorwitz at gmail.com
Wed Sep 10 08:01:37 CEST 2008

On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 3:24 AM, Trent Nelson
<python-dev-list at trentnelson.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 05, 2008 at 05:55:13PM +0200, Jesus Cea wrote:
>> Trent, are you available to look at the ?spurious? timeout failures in
>> bsddb replication code in the Windows buildbot?.
>> Ten seconds timeout should be plenty enough. I can't debug any MS
>> Windows issue myself; this is a Microsoft-free environment.
>    I think I added in 10 seconds 'cause the tests kept failing when it
>    was at 2 seconds ;-)
>    I remember digging around the code a bit when I bumped bsddb to 4.7
>    on Windows to try and figure out what was going on.  As far as I
>    could tell it wasn't anything obvious caused by the Python code; is
>    it possible this could be an issue with the underlying bsddb code?

Are the buildbot(s) running under vmware?


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