[Python-Dev] ',' precedence in documentation]

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Mon Sep 15 16:39:52 CEST 2008

Nick Coghlan wrote:

> While it may not make sense to list it in the table itself, having a
> note on that page that comma is NOT an operator (unlike C), and hence
> only permitted between expressions as part of another statement or
> expressions that permits it may not be a bad idea.

better include "=" and augmented assignments as well.

on the other hand, we're talking about a single instance of a "someone" 
here -- it's not like there's any sign that the comma issue is something 
that lots of someones are confused about.

(...and given that the precedence table has been broken for over a 
decade (see http://bugs.python.org/issue3558) due to a bug in the 
Latex-to-HTML renderer, one might wonder if anyone gets that far into 
the language reference at all...)


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