[Python-Dev] switching on -3 from within a program?

Graham Dumpleton Graham.Dumpleton at gmail.com
Thu Sep 18 01:39:45 CEST 2008

On Sep 17, 1:32 am, Anthon van der Neut <avandern... at avid.com> wrote:
> With a minor modification to the Makefile I was able to getmod_wsgi
> v2.3 to work with python2.6rc1.

Which I believe was still required only because you have only
installed static Python library. :-)

> I promptly got a warning in my apache log files on the depcrecated use
> of 'sha' in the paste's cookie module, good! And easily fixed.
> After that I was looking for a way to switch on the -3 warnings from
> within my code to have extra warnings show up in my apache log file.

Check out mod_wsgi from subversion repository:

 svn co http://modwsgi.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/mod_wsgi

and build that.

When Pyhton 2.6 is being used, you should be able to have in Apache
configuration file at server scope.

  WSGIPy3kWarningFlag On

You must not be loading mod_python at same time else this will not be


> After reading some documentation I tried from the python2.6 prompt:
> import sys
> sys.py3kwarning = True
> x = { 'abc': 1 }; x.has_key('abc')
> which does not give a warning (starting python2.6 with the -3 option of
> course does).
> Is there anyway to switch this on from within a program with a Python
> statement?
> If not, would I need to make a small C-extension module (to be imported
> as the first module) that sets Py_Py3WarningFlag or something else at
> the C level, or would that better be done bymod_wsgi'sC code.
> Regards
> Anthon
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