[Python-Dev] Filename as byte string in python 2.6 or 3.0?

glyph at divmod.com glyph at divmod.com
Tue Sep 30 20:12:31 CEST 2008

On 02:39 pm, hrvoje.niksic at avl.com wrote:
>For example, implementing os.listdir to return the file names as 
>subclasses with ability to access the underlying bytes (automatically
>recognized by open and friends) sounds like a good compromise that
>allows the word processor to both have the cake and eat it.

It really seems like the strategy of the current patch (which I believe 
Guido proposed) makes the most sense.  Programs pass different arguments 
for different things:

listdir(text) -> I am thinking in unicode and I do not know about 
encodings, please give me only things that are proper unicode, because I 
don't want to deal with that.

listdir(bytes) -> I am thinking about bytes, I know about encodings. 
Just give me filenames as bytes and I will decode them myself or do 
other fancy things.

You can argue about whether this should really be 'listdiru' or 'globu' 
for explicitness, but when such a simple strategy with unambiguous types 
works, there's no reason to introduce some weird hybrid bytes/text type 
that will inevitably be a bug attractor.

Python's path abstractions have never been particularly high level, nor 
do I think they necessarily should be - at least, not until there's some 
community consensus about what a "high level path abstraction" really 
looks like.  We're still wrestling with it in Twisted, and I can think 
of at least three ways that ours is wrong.  And ours is the one that's 
doing the best, as far as I can tell :).

This proposal gives higher level software the information that it needs 
to construct appropriate paths.

The one thing it doesn't do is expose the decoding rules for the higher- 
level applications to deal with.  I am pretty sure I don't understand 
how the interaction between filesystem encoding and user locale works in 
that case, though, so I can't immediately recommend a way to do it.

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