[Python-Dev] RELEASED Python 2.6.2

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Wed Apr 15 23:08:38 CEST 2009

On Apr 15, 2009, at 4:47 PM, Russell E. Owen wrote:

> Thank you for 2.6.2.
> I see the Mac binary installer isn't out yet (at least it is not  
> listed
> on the downloads page). Any chance that it will be compatible with 3rd
> party Tcl/Tk?
> Most recent releases have not been; the only way I know to make a
> compatible build is to build the installer on a machine that already  
> has
> a 3rd party Tcl/Tk installed; the resulting binary is then compatible
> with both 3rd party versions of Tcl/Tk and also with Apple's ancient
> built in version.

I can't answer this, but Ronald is building the OS X image for 2.6.2,  
AFAIK.  I think it will be out soon, and maybe he can answer your Tcl/ 
Tk question.


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