[Python-Dev] 3.1 beta blockers

Alessio Giovanni Baroni alessiogiovanni.baroni at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 11:13:31 CEST 2009

There are some cases of OutOfMemory? On my machine the float->string
conversion is all ok. Also 'make test' is all ok.

2009/4/21 Benjamin Peterson <benjamin at python.org>

> The first (and only) beta of 3.1 is scheduled for less than 2 weeks
> away, May 2nd, and is creeping onto the horizon. There are currently 6
> blockers:
> #5692: test_zipfile fails under Windows - This looks like a fairly easy
> fix.
> #5775: marshal.c needs to be checked for out of memory errors - Looks
> like Eric has this one.
> #5410: msvcrt bytes cleanup - It would be nice to have a Windows
> expert examine the patch on this issue for correctness.
> #5786: [This isn't applicable to 3.1]
> #5783: IDLE cannot find windows chm file - Awaiting a fix to the IDLE
> or the doc build system.
> --
> Thanks for your work,
> Benjamin
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