[Python-Dev] Fast Implementation for ZIP decryption

Ludvig Ericson ludvig at lericson.se
Sun Aug 30 17:58:59 CEST 2009

On 30 aug 2009, at 16:34, Shashank Singh wrote:
> just to give you an idea of the speed up:
> a 3.3 mb zip file extracted using the current all-python  
> implementation on my machine (win xp 1.67Ghz 1.5GB)
> takes approximately 38 seconds.
> the same file when extracted using c implementation takes 0.4 seconds.

If this matters to the users of the API, then likely they'd search for  
alternatives -- no need for it to go into the standard library just  
because it replaces functionality, or am I misunderstanding?

- Ludvig Ericson <ludvig at lericson.se>

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