[Python-Dev] Proposing PEP 386 for addition

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Tue Dec 8 20:45:11 CET 2009

Tarek Ziadé wrote:
> Hello,
> On behalf of the Distutils-SIG, I would like to propose PEP 386 for
> inclusion in the sdtlib, and have a final discussion here on
> Python-dev.
> http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0386

Some English copy editor comments:

"and it will optionally allow to use that field"
I believe you mean
"and it will optionally allow use of that field"

"requires zope.interface, as long as its version is superior to 3.5.0."
"requires zope.interface with a version greater than 3.5.0."

"It is not in the scope of this PEP to come with an universal versioning 
schema,intended to support..."
I believe you mean
"It is not in the scope of this PEP to provide a universal versioning 
schema intended to support..."

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