[Python-Dev] Tracker archeology

"Martin v. Löwis" martin at v.loewis.de
Sat Feb 14 15:00:28 CET 2009

> But no way to share aggregated search results (I've sent some
> off-list), 'follow' users (i.e., be added as nosy for issues where
> user A is nosy), auto-add as nosy based on keywords, etc. Someday we
> could have these nosy features hosted externally, e.g. as an AppEngine
> app that subscribes to python-bugs and sends alerts to users matching
> the message (by keyword, performed action, new stage, etc.).

Please, please, no. If you can add it to an external application,
please, pretty pretty please, add it to roundup directly (or, rather,
to this specific tracker).

>>> Right now, more efficient searching and aggregation along with some
>>> (local, flexible) UI tweaks sum it up.
>> Efficient in what way?
> Having those complex searches in a less convoluted workflow, allowing
> more work to be done faster and in a less error prone way.

If it's useful to you, it might be useful to others as well. So consider
contributing free-form searches to roundup (in addition to form-based


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