[Python-Dev] bundlebuilder broken in 2.6

Barry Scott barry at barrys-emacs.org
Sun Jan 18 18:10:26 CET 2009

On 17 Jan 2009, at 20:08, Ned Deily wrote:
> In article <7043CB7C-18F4-4E16-AE0C-CDA6BA311044 at barrys-emacs.org>,
> Barry Scott <barry at barrys-emacs.org> wrote:
>> It seems that the packaging of Mac Python 2.6 is missing at least one
>> file
>> that is critical to the operation of bundlebuilder.py.
>> I've logged the issue as http://bugs.python.org/issue4937.
> I've noted a workaround in the tracker: just copy the file from an  
> older
> version of Python.   It's a simple xml plist and I don't think its
> contents are all that critical anyway.

I figured the contents are not not important as the files from 2.5 and  
talk of alpha this that and the other.

> While the build should be fixed for 2.6+ (I'll send a patch), note  
> that
> bundlebuilder is gone in 3.0.

What is the replacement for bundlebuilder for 3.0? Lack of
bundlebuilder becomes a serious porting problem for me.
I deliver pysvn WOrkbench as a bundle to simplify installation
by my users.


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