[Python-Dev] microsoft dlls apparently don't support data. implications: PyAPI functions required to access data across modules.

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at lkcl.net
Sun Jan 25 17:33:54 CET 2009

> here is a starting list of data items which will require "getter"
> functions, found just by creating a posixmodule.pyd:
> Info: resolving __Py_NoneStruct by linking to __imp___Py_NoneStruct
> (auto-import)

  by no small coincidence, every single module with which we've had
difficulties in the mingw port - _sre, thread, operator, locale,
winreg, signal and have been forced to put them into python2N.dll -
all of them _happen_ to _directly_ reference the _PyNone_Struct data


that means that the Py_None macro must call the "getter" function.


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