[Python-Dev] Python 3.0.1

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Wed Jan 28 18:51:08 CET 2009

On 2009-01-27 22:19, Raymond Hettinger wrote:
> From: ""Martin v. Löwis"" <martin at v.loewis.de>
>> Releasing 3.1 6 months after 3.0 sounds reasonable; I don't think
>> it should be released earlier (else 3.0 looks fairly ridiculous).
> I think it should be released earlier and completely supplant 3.0
> before more third-party developers spend time migrating code.
> We needed 3.0 to get released so we could get the feedback
> necessary to shake it out.  Now, it is time for it to fade into history
> and take advantage of the lessons learned.
> The principles for the 2.x series don't really apply here.  In 2.x, there
> was always a useful, stable, clean release already fielded and there
> were tons of third-party apps that needed a slow rate of change.
> In contrast, 3.0 has a near zero installed user base (at least in terms
> of being used in production).  It has very few migrated apps.  It is
> not particularly clean and some of the work for it was incomplete
> when it was released.
> My preference is to drop 3.0 entirely (no incompatable bugfix release)
> and in early February release 3.1 as the real 3.x that migrators ought
> to aim for and that won't have incompatable bugfix releases.  Then at
> PyCon, we can have a real bug day and fix-up any chips in the paint.
> If 3.1 goes out right away, then it doesn't matter if 3.0 looks ridiculous.
> All eyes go to the latest release.  Better to get this done before more
> people download 3.0 to kick the tires.

Why don't we just mark 3.0.x as experimental branch and keep updating/
fixing things that were not sorted out for the 3.0.0 release ?! I think
that's a fair approach, given that the only way to get field testing
for new open-source software is to release early and often.

A 3.1 release should then be the first stable release of the 3.x series
and mark the start of the usual deprecation mechanisms we have
in the 2.x series. Needless to say, that rushing 3.1 out now would
only cause yet another experimental release... major releases do take
time to stabilize.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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