[Python-Dev] Mercurial migration: progress report (PEP 385)

Dirkjan Ochtman dirkjan at ochtman.nl
Fri Jul 3 15:43:54 CEST 2009

On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 15:31, Mark Hammond<mhammond at skippinet.com.au> wrote:
> So we must work without effective EOL support?  I fear we will end up like
> the mozilla hg repo with some files in windows line endings and some with
> linux.  While my editing tools are good enough to preserve existing EOL
> styles, I've found myself accidentally checking in new \r\n terminated files
> in a repo which otherwise uses \n line endings.  IMO, SVN's EOL support was
> better than no EOL support.

This is why we'll have hooks -- to prevent you from pushing changesets
with inappropriate, to say the least, and, if you're willing to do a
little bit of extra work, to prevent you from committing them.

> This is exactly why I was asking for your advice - I can't work out how to
> work effectively with win32text as it stands myself, so remain stuck
> accidently checking in files with inappropriate line endings and stuck
> working out how to move pywin32's CVS repo with abandoning the very
> primitive EOL safety it offers...

As long as the difference between \r\n- and \n-based files is clear
and can be reasoned about, I don't see why having some of both (I'm
assuming an overwhelming majority will have one, and only a few the
other) is a big problem. But feel free to enlighten me!



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